In keeping with the CANNING CHICKEN topic for September 2021 and in preparation for WINTER BLAST 2022 WOW.

Let’s chat about NO WASTE FARMING, honestly everything is useful, if we learn how to be aligned with our Planet and become a Blessing to it.

I could have used this chicken carcass in two ways RAW or COOKED in my compost (that will be another BLOG as there are many thoughts on Pro’s and Con’s of this but what I will share just may shock you :) )

I decided to make Broth for my Pantry, this is an ESSENTIAL PRODUCT for our household in the winter chill and is easily heated using a variety of ways including camping.

I simply boiled it slightly with an onion, and some spices to my tastes preference, and ladled it bones and all into pint jars, and I am actually processing them as I Blog, the processing time is 20 minutes, total time was 30 minutes.

Can you recall how many times you have thrown away Chicken Carcass’ in your cooking lifetime, WHAT A WASTE OF REAL FOOD, well no more for me, my goal is to THINK BEFORE THROWING ANYTHING AWAY, and if i must throw it away consider WHY, that altered my whole eating choices.

Can you recall how many times you ran to the grocery store to get a quick can of gravy (ok you don’t have to admit that part lol, but i sure used to long ago)

Anyhooo Join me by signing up to send me emails and I will do my level best to answer your questions and how to’s and umm maybe we can schedule a ZOOM and CAN/GARDEN together if you have a couple of hours to hang out and have a cup of Coffee or Tea :)

So that’s a wrap stay tuned and lets GROW ABOUT IT NOT JUST TALK ABOUT IT




Spacing Leafy Greens