I am super excited to finally take the leap and try NOMAD INTERNET, no this is not a paid advertisement :)

I work from home managing my IT business and our Farm media needs and reliable internet is key these days, for a while longer (wink wink)

I am now on Day 2 and every requirement I need has been met so far, I have turned Wi-Fi on for every peripheral including phones and everything works great.

Prior to this I had successfully used for $40 a month as a hot spot for my client work laptop, however, its a ONE line usage, if i wanted to watch and learn something on my personal laptop i would have to log off or even worse use my phones hot spot data usage, or log off from work, naaah not a good option. We are striving to grow so we quickly realized its time to get REAL without spending over $300 for dish type services.

With NOMAD, you can connect way more peripherals, like 20 !!! we dont have that many its just the 2 of us. I selected the plan best for my area THE PINK PLAN, you will have to determine the plan for your LAND MASS.

Although, this is not a paid advertisement, it does allow you to receive referrals, if you are on the hunt for a better internet, we would certainly appreciate it if you would use our farms link below:

Anyhooo Join us by signing up to send me emails and I will do my level best to answer your questions or simply hit me up on FB and we will strive to provide how to’s and umm maybe we can schedule a ZOOM and RAISE OUR PINKY FINGERS TOGETHER over a cup of Coffee or Tea :)

So that’s a wrap stay tuned and lets GROW ABOUT IT NOT JUST TALK ABOUT IT



Excited about 2022!!


BLUE CHIP COFFEE RECIPE #2 ———-Our New EBF Coffee Family Sister Shares her LOVE