What I’m Sowing FALL 2021

How beautiful it is to be in a Peaceful Innergy environment (it doesn’t matter if its a window sill, a porch, a bucket, a cup, a garden, a farm) sowing the Fall seeds IN THE MISTY RAIN after the Storm passed thru last night 9/13. I hope those in the path of most of the rain faired well, I woke up at 3:30 AM and watched the winds making sure if I had to run out to help the Quail I would be there, finally around 5 AM it subsided and i was able to go back to sleep, sure I over slept but I am grateful I was allowed to awaken to a brand new day with a cup of our Ethiopian Ground.

Anyway what are you planting this Fall 2021 email me ? I am still getting used to being in Texas and this will be my first fall planting, cant believe its not even been a year since we moved on our land. Well here is my list of sowed items and a few still need to be sowed waiting for it to be a little cooler aka things we like to eat:

BEETS sow directly in the soil—I have time to succession sow since in my area I can sow directly in the soil up until 10/18

BROCCOLI RAAB sow directly in soil

BRUSSELS SPROUTS sowed seed indoors ready for transplant

CABBAGE sowed seed indoors ready for transplant but will throw a few seeds out anyway just to see what happens

CARROTS I might-I’m just not sure I have until 10/1 to make up my mind to sow directly in soil

CHARD sow directly in the soil - i have time to succession sow since in my area i can sow directly in the soil up until 10/18

GARLIC i will directly sow these i am waiting for the soil to be 60% 4 inches below I have until 10/18

KALE I sowed these late we will see

LETTUCE VARIETIES I will sow these indoors and succession sow every week because lettuce does not like hot weather i will transplant once the temps stay 60 degrees outside, i will also start my hydroponic grow tent soon I THINK it just seems Texas just might be the place to grow them outside in the fall and winter, they don’t mind a little frost either

MUSTARD sow directly in the soil, i did a mustard variety that looks like lettuce or Pak Choy looks pretty on the package

OKRA they are still being harvested until our first frost sometime between 11/9 - 11 16

ONIONS these will be direct sowed starting 10/18 and i plan to succession sow every week thru the end of Oct (in case any Texans read this don’t forget there is free shipping for us when we order on Dixondale’s site, I ordered from them last time and i am amazed, even though our puppies dug up my new beds last year, I managed to get a huge harvest, and i plan to grow ALOT of onions this time)

PEASE SUGAR SNAP OMG these are truly one of natures CANDIES the first time i grew these i was in competition with the horses lol. I direct sowed these

POTATOES i need to direct sow these in my potato bags this weekend

RADISH I dunno i am not a big fan although these are so easy to grow but i think i found a recipe that may change my mind so i will direct sow these this weekend and succession sow, because i will be mad if I like them and only grew a few lol

SPINACH sow directly in the soil, and will be succession sowing as i LOVE LOVE spinach

TURNIPS im not a big turnip fan but our friends like them so i will see i have until 10/3 to start direct sowing these

Join me by signing up to send me emails and I will do my level best to answer your questions and how to’s and umm maybe we can schedule a ZOOM and CAN/GARDEN together if you have a couple of hours to hang out and have a cup of Coffee or Tea :)

So that’s a wrap stay tuned and lets GROW ABOUT IT NOT JUST TALK ABOUT IT


Spacing Leafy Greens


Why I Can Chicken